Village residents will be pleased to hear that the Parish Council have now raised the issue of speeding vehicles and reckless driving through the village with the Area Traffic Management Officer, Police  Headquarters Operations and the person who recently instigated traffic speed monitoring procedures in the village.  As a result of that monitoring it has been confirmed that there is a problem with speeding traffic through the village. The local Neighbourhood Policing Team have now been formally tasked to undertake formal speed enforcement action. No date for such action has yet been decided, as this will be dependent on competing demands as well as resources availability. Hopefully, irresponsible drivers will now be identified and appropriate action taken to deter future problems. The Parish Council in the meantime will be monitoring the situation closely.


If you, or your club, wish to update their listing or, if you have any news of events occurring in the Village or local area that you would like to share, please let us know. Simply send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




New members welcome at all groups!


Weekly/Fortnightly Events:

Monday - badminton 1-3pm

Monday – sketching 1-3pm (07903 986180)

Monday - beavers then cubs 5.45pm-8.15pm

Tuesday - badminton 7-9pm (07929 283657)

Tuesday – art and craft group 7.15-9pm (07903 986180)

Wednesday – music club (1st and 3rd of the month)

Wednesday late afternoon/early evening – LDS Theatre Arts

Thursday late afternoon/early evening – LDS Theatre Arts

Friday late afternoon/early evening - LDS Theatre Arts

Saturdays - LDS Theatre Arts


Monthly Events:

First Tuesday at 7.30pm – Warton Parish Council

Second Thursday Gardening Club

Third Thursday 7.00-10.00pm – Warton Crag W.I.

First Friday 1.00-3.00pm – Craft Group


The hall has a table tennis table, fully equipped kitchen, disabled facilities, hearing loop system, speakers, projector and screen, staging and tiered seating equipment, chairs on trolleys, bar, choice of three rooms, modern toilets, main hall marked out for badminton court

For further information and for enquiries about running your own class or course, please contact Carol Wolfenden on 07929 283657

There have been a number of recent reports of dog fouling on the village streets as well as some public footpaths. Most dog owners do pick up their pets poop although there remain a few who choose not too. Lancaster City Council would remind irresponsible dog owners that under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act, it is an offence not to clean up after a dog has defecated on public land. Public land includes all public footpaths. A person may be issued with an £80 fixed penalty fine, if they do not clean up, or alternatively may be prosecuted through the magistrates court, where the maximum fine is £1000.


The link for Warton Response Group has been recently updated. This link can be found under the Main Menu column of this website.

Warton Village Music club meets on the first and third Wednesday (1900hrs to 2100hrs) of each month in the Village Hall as from February 2025.  The main aims of the club are to encourage and develop existing musical skills in a friendly and relaxing environment. Our present members, of varying amateur standards, use a variety of instruments and like to play well known light rock and folk songs.  Our group occasionally presents musical entertainment in the local area. Anyone interested in joining the club, whether you sing or play an instrument, would be welcome to join us. To find out more about the club please contact Antony on 07715297036, or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  


Warton (Carnforth) based building and property services for all your construction needs, contact 01524 928448. Further information coming soon to this page.